Create Production Order

Create production orders to manufacturer or repair products in Inventoryy


Start URL:

From the dashboard, navigate on the sidebar to Production > Create Production

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To create a production order, start by entering the following information in the Order Details section (top left corner of the page):

  • Date
  • Production ID
  • Customer (not required)
  • Due Date
  • Total Units to Produce
  • Warehouse
  • Location (if applicable)
  • Bill of Materials Preset (not required)

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Next, enter the details of the product that will be made in the Product to Produce section (top right corner of the page):

  • SKU
  • Brand
  • Model
  • Condition
  • Sale Price Per Unit
  • Unique Identifiers (if applicable)

Once that is complete, start adding the products and/or materials used in the production order in the Product Materials section

Bulk upload multiple products by SKU or Unique Identifier

  • Scan barcodes or input SKU numbers to quickly add products to a production order

Manually input the following to add products to each order:

  • Warehouse
  • Location (if applicable)
  • SKU
  • Brand
  • Model
  • Condition
  • Notes
  • Unique Identifier
  • Quantity
  • Sale Price Per Unit

Note: Cost Per Unit and Availability will auto-populate once the other information is entered

After the Product Materials have been completed, enter the labor required to complete the production order in the Operations section:

  • Operations (description of labor)
  • Laborer (person or company responsible)
  • Due Date
  • Cost
  • Status (Processing or Complete)

Add any additional notes that you wish to mention for the production in the Notes section (bottom left)

The production order details will display in the bottom right section including:

  • Units to Produce
  • Product Cost
  • Operations Cost
  • Cost Per Unit 
  • Sale Price Per Unit

Print labels for the new product being produced by clicking the "Print Labels" button, selecting a label type and clicking "Print"

Download or print a copy of the production order by clicking the "Download" button then clicking either "Download" or "Print"

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To save the production as a draft, click "Save Draft" 

Once the production order information is complete, click "Create Production" 

Once a production order is complete, go to the Create Production page for that order and click "Mark as Complete" in the bottom left corner