Sync Your eCommerce Listings

Sync your products to your eCommerce channels and automatically add inventory to your listings.


Start URL:

From the dashboard, select “Sales Channels” to access our multi-channel synchronization tools.

Under “Sales Channels”, you will be able to sync your products in your inventory catalog with your e-commerce product listings.

Use the search bar to filter by warehouse or product.

Add Product

To add a product, click the "Add Product" button and you will be redirected to the Products page


Click the "Channels" dropdown to filter the sales channels that you would like to view

Stock Count

Click the "Stock Count" dropdown to filter which stock you would like to view

Stock Count options include:

  • Select All
  • In-Stock
  • Out of Stock

Sync Status

Click the "Sync Status" dropdown to filter which status or statuses you would like to view

Sync Statuses include:

  • Select All
  • Auto
  • Manual

Auto - Product catalog is automatically synced with your product listings. Inventory levels will be adjusted on your e-commerce product listings based on your current inventory in stock.

Manual -  Product catalog is manually synced with your product listings. Inventory levels will need to be manually added under “Quantity” to be available for sale on your e-commerce product listings.

Integrate Your Inventory & Product Listings

*Before beginning, make sure you integrate your sales channels to properly import your product listings.

Under the “Sales Channel” column, select the “+” button to sync your e-commerce product listing and Inventoryy product.

Select the sales channel you want to sync under “Channel”.

Search for your product listing under “Product” and select the product you want to sync.

A hyperlink to the product listing will display under the “Link” section.

Click “Save” to sync your product listing.

View your sales channel and product listing under the sales channel column for your synced products.

Select “Edit” to change or delete your synced product listing.

Once a product listing is synced, you can set the Sync Status to either Manual or Auto


Select “Warehouse” to define which warehouses to sync your inventory and product listings.

All product inventory levels will be based on the current inventory levels of the warehouses you have synced.

You can sync multiple warehouses to pull inventory from multiple locations and sell it under one product listing. 

When an order is placed, you can change any product information or warehouse under the order details to avoid overselling from a specific warehouse.

Once you select your warehouses, you will be able to see the currently available inventory for sale under “On Hand”.

Set the “Quantity” and “Price” for each product listing to list your inventory on your e-commerce channels.


View your Inventoryy products under “Product”.

Sort products A-Z or filter by search, sales channel,  sync status, and stock count, to easily sort through thousands of products.


Condition - The condition of your products available in your Inventoryy product catalog.

On Hand

On Hand (Green Line) - The amount of inventory available in your Inventoryy stock count for all warehouses.

On Hand (White Line) - The amount of inventory available in your stock count for the synced warehouses.


Quantity (Green Line) - The amount of inventory available for sale across all your product listings.

Quantity (White Line) - The amount of inventory available for sale on a specific product listing.

Product listing “Quantity” cannot be greater than the “On Hand” quantity.


Cost - The average cost of each product available for sale in your inventory.


Price - The sale price for the e-commerce product listing.

*Make sure to set your shipping fees under your product listing. We highly suggest offering free 2-3 day shipping on all product listings to attract more customers.


Margin - A percentage of profit made for each product listing based on the total price

Margin = Profit / Total Price


ROI (Return On Investment) - A percentage of profit made for each order based on the total cost

ROI = Profit / Total Cost

Sales Channels

View your sales channel and product listing under the sales channel column for your synced products.

Click on the product listing link to view your product listing on the select sales channel.

Select “Edit” on the far right side to change or delete your synced product listing.

Orders Page

Incoming orders from Sales Channels will display on the Orders page

Refresh the page to view and edit any incoming orders from your sales channels

Shipments Page

Incoming orders from Sales Channels will display on the Shipments page

Click the “Reload” button on the top part of the page to load any new orders that have been placed on your sales channels

Note: You cannot modify tracking information on Walmart when you void a shipping label in Inventoryy.