View your inventory analytics

Manage your inventory stock levels, availability, and profitability metrics.


Starting URL:

From the dashboard, navigate on the sidebar to Inventory > Stock Count


The metrics above the Stock Count table show an overview of your inventory

Metrics include:

Units In Stock, Cost, Sale Price, Potential Profit, Margin, ROI, Profit Per Unit and Average Age

Download Stock

To download stock into a .xlsx file, click the black “Action” button on the upper left side of the Inventory page and scroll down to “Download”.

Barcode Labels

To print barcode labels, select the products that you want to print by checking the box(es) on the far left column.

  • Click the black “Action” button on the upper left side of the Inventory page and scroll down to “Print Label”
  • Choose label type (either 2x1 or 4x2 labels)
  • Click the red “Print” button to begin printing

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To view all stock as individual units, toggle the “Individual/Grouped” button to “Individual”, which will display in black when selected.
  • This will display each unit that is currently in stock


To view stock as grouped, toggle the “Individual/Grouped” button to “Grouped”, which will display in the black when selected.
  • This will group the products by SKU (same brand, model, and condition) and show the total quantity that you have of each SKU.


To select Filters, click the “Filter” button in the top right corner of the Stock Count page.
  • Select as few or as many filters as you would like to display for each product by clicking the boxes to the left. 

Screenshot (456)

Individual Filters include:

Date, Warehouse, Vendor, Purchase Order, SKU, Brand, Model, Condition, Unique Identifier, Notes, Cost, Sale Price, Profit, Margin, ROI, Customer, Invoice, Channels, Status, Aging, Courier and Tracking Number

Grouped Filters include:

Warehouse, SKU, Brand, Model, Condition, Quantity, Cost, Sale Price, Profit, Margin, ROI, Channels, Status, Days Remaining In Stock, Recommended Reorder Quantity, Monthly Sales Forecast and Aging