Monitor your dashboard metrics

Follow these steps to learn how to use the Inventoryy dashboard to monitor your performance metrics.


Start URL:

Track the most important metrics in your business and identify the best avenues of profit.

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Sales Channels Table

View your Sales Channels in the Sales Channels table on the top left side of the page.

To filter by Sales Channels, click the Sales Channels dropdown near the top right part of the page.

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Sales Tables

View your metrics by the following timeframes:
Monthly Forecast
Last Month
Custom Date

Click on the Today, Yesterday or Last Month table to view the products sold in that timeframe.

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Products Table 

The Products Table displays the products that were sold in the selected timeframe.

View all of the metrics for these products including:


View metrics that will help forecast your purchases and sales:

Days Remaining In Stock
Recommended Reorder Quantity
Monthly Sales Forecast
Aging (how long products were in stock before they were sold)

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Sales Chart

The Sales Chart is visible when a custom Date Range is selected.

Click on the Date Range button in the top right corner and select a timeframe

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You will now see the Custom Range Sales Table along with the Sales Chart which includes:

Products Sold

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