Manage your product catalog

Build your own customized product catalog. Quickly select pre-made products to avoid repeating your work.


Start URL:

Navigate on the sidebar to Inventory > Products

Create Product

Add the following information to create your product catalog:


SKU column represents the given SKU that separates the products by Unique Identifier, Brand, Model, and Condition


Brand column represents the name of the company that makes each product (ex. Apple)


Model column represents the given name of each product (ex. iPhone 8)


UPC (Universal Product Code) column represents the series of numbers on the barcode of each product that is used to universally identify each product


Condition column represents the current condition of each product (ex. New, Used, Damaged)


Cost column represents the price paid for each product

Sale Price

Sale Price column represents the price for which each product is sold

Add the product to your Inventoryy products by clicking the “+” sign on the far right column of the row 

Download Template

If you already have your products’ SKU, Brand, Model, Condition, and Sale Price in another file, you can bulk upload the products by first downloading the template

  • Click the Download Template button to download a .xlsx file

Import Products

Import Products button is located in the top right corner of the Products page, just left of the “Download Template” button

  • Once the downloaded template of your products’ info is complete, select the Import Products button to bulk import your products

Edit Product

To edit a product, click the edit button on the far right column of the product that you would like to edit.

  • Once the edit button has been clicked, you can edit the SKU, Brand, Model, UPC, Condition, and Sale Price
  • Click the edit button again and you will be asked, “Are you sure you want to update this product to your inventory?” Click “Yes” to confirm or “No” to cancel changes

Delete Product

To delete a product, click the delete button (trash can) on the far right column of the product that you would like to delete.

  • Once the delete button has been clicked, you will be asked, “Are you sure you want to delete this “‘Brand’ ‘Model’ - ‘Condition’”? Click “Delete” to confirm or “No” to cancel.
  • Note: You will not be able to delete products that are associated with purchases, orders and/or returns