Manage your warehouses

Add multiple warehouses along with specific locations within the warehouses. Create transfer orders to send products to a new warehouse or location.


Starting URL:

From the dashboard, navigate on the sidebar to Inventory > Warehouses

Warehouses Tab

Warehouses tab shows each warehouse that has been added to the Inventoryy warehouses

Warehouse Column

Warehouse column represents the name given to each warehouse

Units In Stock

Units In Stock column represents the total number of units currently being held in each warehouse


Cost column  represents the total dollar amount paid for the units being held in each warehouse

Sale Price

Sale Price column represents the total dollar amount that the units being held in each warehouse will be sold for

Average Age

Average Age column represents the average length of time that the units have been on hand in each warehouse

New Warehouse

To add a new warehouse, click the "New Warehouse" button

Enter the following information:

  • Warehouse Name
  • Email
  • Phone Number
  • Street
  • City
  • State
  • Zip Code
  • Country

Once this information is entered, click the "Save" button to add the warehouse

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Edit Warehouse

To edit your warehouse, click the edit icon on the far right column. Once completed, click "Save".

Locations Tab

Locations tab shows each location that has been added to the Inventoryy warehouses

Warehouse Column

Warehouse column represents the warehouse of each location


Locations column represents the name given to each location

Units In Stock

Units In Stock column represents the total number of units currently being held in each location


Cost column  represents the total dollar amount paid for the units being held in each location

Sale Price

Sale Price column represents the total dollar amount that the units being held in each location will be sold for

Average Age

Average Age column represents the average length of time that the units have been on hand in each location

Turn Locations On 

To start using locations, click the On/Off toggle to "On" so that locations will be visible in the Inventoryy system

New Location

To add a new location, click the "New Location" button

Enter the following information:

  • Warehouse Name
  • Location

Once this information is entered, click the "Save" button to add the location

Import Locations

You can also import locations in bulk via Excel. 

Click the "Download Template" button, enter the warehouse and location, save the file, then click "Import Locations" and select the file. 

Edit Location

To edit a location, click the edit icon on the far right column. Once completed, click "Save".

Transfers Tab

Transfers tab represents each transfer that has been made between warehouses


Date column represents the date that each transfer order was created

Transfer Order

Transfer Order column represents the given name of each transfer order (Hyperlink)

By clicking on the hyperlink, it will take you to the details page of the transfer order


Source column represents which warehouse that the products on each transfer order came from


Destination column represents which warehouse that the products on each transfer order were sent 

Total Units

Total Units column  represents the total amount of units that were transferred for each transfer order


Status column represents the current status of each transfer

If the transfer has not yet been received, the Status column will display as “Open”

If the transfer has been received, the Status column will display as “Closed”

To change the status from “Open” to “Closed”, click on the hyperlink of the transfer order and click the red “Transfer Received” button on the bottom of the transfer order

To change the status from “Closed” to “Open”, click on the hyperlink of the transfer order and click the red “Reopen Transfer” button on the bottom of the transfer order

Create A Transfer

Click on "Transfer" to create a new warehouse transfer order


Date column represents the date that each transfer order was created

Transfer Order

Transfer Order column represents the given name of each transfer order (Hyperlink)

By clicking on the hyperlink, it will take you to the details page of the transfer order


Source column represents which warehouse the products on each transfer order came from

Source Location

Source Location column represents which location the products on each transfer order came from


Destination column represents which warehouse the products on each transfer order were sent 

Destination Location

Destination Location column represents which location the products on each transfer order were sent 

Courier and Tracking Number

A courier and tracking number can be added to each transfer order.

Courier and Tracking Number are on the top right corner of the page when creating or viewing a transfer order

Bulk Upload

Bulk Upload is available when creating or editing a transfer order.

Bulk import multiple products by SKU or Unique Identifier

Scan barcodes or input SKU numbers to quickly add products to a transfer order


Warehouse column represents which warehouse the products are being transferred from


Location column represents which location the products are being transferred from


SKU column represents the given SKU that separates the products by Unique Identifier, Brand, Model and Condition

If there are multiple products with the same Unique Identifier, Brand, Model and Condition, then they will have the same SKU.

By selecting a SKU when adding products to the transfer order, it will auto-populate the Brand, Model, Condition and Unique Identifier.


Brand column represents the name of the company that makes each product (ex. Apple)


Model column represents the given name of each product (ex. iPhone 8)


Condition column represents the current condition of each product (ex. New, Used, Damaged)


Notes column represents any customized notes that were given for each product when it was added to the Inventoryy “Products” page.

This could include features, functionality, etc. (ex. A damaged iPhone could be specified as “cracked glass” in the notes column)

Unique Identifier

Unique Identifier column represents a way to universally identify the product

This could include, but is not limited to: UPC, IMEI, ESN, etc.


Quantity column represents the number of units in the transfer

Enter the quantity of units that you wish to transfer

Cost Per Unit

Cost Per Unit column represents the average cost per unit for each product that is being transferred

Cost Per Unit is auto-populated when a quantity is selected


Notes section (bottom left) represents any notes for the transfer order

Add any additional notes that you wish to mention for this transfer order


Click the download button and the transfer order will display as a PDF

You will have the option to either download or print the transfer order

Save Draft

Click the Save Draft button to save the transfer order as a draft

You cannot save the transfer order as a draft until at least one product’s SKU, Brand, Model, Condition and Quantity have been entered


Click the Transfer button to create the transfer

Receive Transfer

After creating a transfer, view the status of a transfer under the Warehouse tab.

Transfers with an Open status are considered "In Transit"

To complete a transfer, click the Transfer Order hyperlink to receive the transfer.

In the transfer order, click "Transfer Received" to complete the transfer.

Transfers with a Closed status are considered "Complete"

Reopen A Transfer

To reopen a closed transfer, click the Transfer Order hyperlink to review the order.

Click "Reopen Transfer" to make edits to the transfer order.