Track your customers

Track the sales history and profitability of all orders from your customers.


Start URL:

From the dashboard, navigate to the sidebar for Customers

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Customer column represents the name of the customer (Hyperlink)

Click on the customer name to access the “Orders” page of that customer


Orders column represents the total number of orders from that customer (Hyperlink)

Click on the number in the “Orders” column to access the “Orders” page of that customer


Units column displays the total number of units sold to each customer


Cost column represents the total cost for all orders/units sold to each customer

Sale Price

Sale Price column represents the total sale price for all units that were sold to each customer


Profit column represents the total profit made from each customer

Profit = Sale Price - Cost 


Margin column displays the percentage of profit made from each customer based on the sale price

Margin = Profit / Sale Price


ROI (Return on investment) column represents the percentage of profit made from each customer based on your cost

ROI = Profit / Cost


Aging column represents the average number of days that products have been in stock

Delete Customer

To delete a customer from your customer page, click on the trash can button on the far right column of the customer. You will then be asked, “Are you sure you want to delete this customer from your inventory?” Click “Yes” to confirm or “No” to keep the customer in your customer page.

Note: Customers that have orders attached to them will not be able to be deleted


To download an excel file of the customer list, click the “Download” button near the top right corner of the page

Create Order

To create an order for the customer page, click the “Create Order” button on the top of the page.

This will take you directly to the “Create Order” page.

Create Return

To create a return for the customer page, click the “Create Return” button on the top of the page.

This will take you directly to the “Create Return” page.


View Your Customer's Orders

Click on the Customer or Orders hyperlinks to view all the orders with the customer

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