Add, edit or delete a user

Manage additional users on your Inventoryy account

Start URL:

From the dashboard, navigate to the My Account icon in the top right corner of the page

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Next, click the "Users" button in the My Account sidebar

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To add a user, enter their First Name, Last Name, Email Address, select their role (Admin or Member) 

Admin = Can update permissions of other users

Member = Cannot update permissions of other users

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Next, set permissions for the Inventory section.

This section is for each specific page in Inventoryy.

Permissions include:

Full Access: Can view, edit and delete

Read & Write Only: Can view and edit, but not delete

Read Only: Can view, but not edit or delete

No Access: Cannot view, edit or delete

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Set permissions for the My Account section.

This is for each specific page of the My Account section in Inventoryy.

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Finally, set permissions for the Financials section.

This is for each metric shown throughout Inventoryy.

For example, if you do not want certain employees to see your profits, set Profit to "No Access"

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Once these sections are complete, click Add User.

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To edit a user, select the user by clicking the box on the left side of their name, then click Edit User

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Edit any of the user information then click Cancel Edit User or Update User

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To delete a user, select the user by clicking the box on the left side of their name, then click Delete User

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To search for a user, enter the name or email address in the search bar then press enter

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