Manage additional users

Add employees or team members as users to your Inventoryy account.

Start URL:

From the dashboard, select “My Account” in the top right corner. Next, navigate to the sidebar on the left side of the page and select “Users”

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User Permissions

Add unlimited users to your Inventoryy account and set permissions based on job role.

User Roles:

Admin - Can edit permissions for other users

Member - Cannot edit permissions for other users


Full Access - Can view, edit and delete

Read & Write Only - Can view and edit, but not delete

Read Only - Can view, but not edit or delete

No Access - Cannot view, edit or delete

Add User

On the top part of the page, enter the following information to add a new user:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email Address
  • Role: Admin or Member

Edit or Delete User

Edit or delete a user by selecting a specific user and clicking the "Edit User" or "Delete User" button.